Südkorea B

Südkorea B
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Kader Südkorea B

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Offizieller Vereinsname: South Korea B Gründung: 01.01.1961
The South Korean national football team B (대한민국 축구 국가대표 B팀) is the second-tier team of the South Korean national football team. As far as it is known, the national soccer team has been divided into first-tier A and second-tier B teams since the 1960s, and most of the two teams were single-use configurations to participate in the presidential ship international competition in case of overlapping international competitions. The first appearance of the national team B, known so far, was at the Merdeka International Football Championship in Malaysia in 1961. At that time, the Korean Football Association, which was invited to the Merdeca International Football Championship while the national team A was preparing for the 1962 World Cup qualification in Chile, formed the national team B for the first time.
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